Miruna Codeanu

Posts Tagged ‘apple’

Twisting the news – 43rd edition

In cappuccino on February 3, 2016 at 8:11 am

Renault opens a Chinese factory. It is for business moves like this I say we will be quite affected by an economic crisis in China. Renault’s facility is a joint venture with Chinese auto maker Dongfeng, as Renault is one of the last big names in the industry to enter the Chinese market. I’m not sure whether this is the best investment Renault could make, not only considering the situation in China, but also keeping in mind that the Chinese usually get the know how from foreign companies and later on they build it themselves and become one of the market leaders. I’ve probably said it before that I do not believe China, as it is today, quite state controlled, to be the best market for mass products, but I do believe China to be a very good market but luxury products, niche products that scream “made in Europe”. I believe China is a better opportunity for BMW-Audi-Mercedes than for Renault.

Cybersecurity is probably the main problem standing in our way with going furher with the Internet of Things and interconnectivity. However, Read the rest of this entry »

Twisting the news – 41st edition

In cappuccino on January 29, 2016 at 3:36 pm

It’s Friday again so I’m just going to try and give less business and more leisure, maybe some inspiration for the weekend ahead.

The Smartphone market is booming: more than 1.4 billion smartphones were shipped last year, Xiaomi became 4th largest smartphone manufacturer. This is probably the source of all hysteria around Apple’s number. We should all remember that next billion people to go online will not afford Apple and unless Apple will not release a product targeting those markets, the numbers should not worry anyone.

It’s the season for yearly reports, and Amazon also released theirs. Amazon is not doing so well, as its shares dropped after the report was released, even though sales went up by 22%, just because the company missed the expectations. I’m sorry, but did anyone meet the expectations? Besides some online companies, exceeding the expectations-  yes I am making a point here about the future. Read the rest of this entry »

Twisting the news – 40th edition

In cappuccino on January 28, 2016 at 12:42 pm

We should all accept that disruption is a thing, a big thing, be that a too much hyped word or a concept with real implications for our lives. However, it is present in our lives and it is lowering our change resistance. If you are a disruption enthusiast, take 5 minutes to read this, but actually, I read it already and I can tell you: stop worrying whether you are disruptive enough and or whether you play by the rules of now-traditional-disruption. Disruption does not play by the rules, and if you are running a big company, dinosaurs as I call them, try to make them dance by the new rules. In this manner of thought, I believe GM is doing a great job joining the sharing economy and launching Maven.

Everybody is going insane that Apple missed its unit target. I am not an Apple fan, but please do remember that Apple just reported record profit for the last quarter. Selling many units was never the business model for Apple and with huge margins, quantity is not the future for Apple. I’ve seen a number of voices who claim that Apple’s wow days are gone, Read the rest of this entry »

Twisting the news – 39th edition

In cappuccino on January 27, 2016 at 9:19 am

If you are trying to reach millenials, be that to buy your product, engage them, convince them to vote for you, you should see the infographic Goldman Sachs made. This is the largest generation in the US, more numerous than baby boomers and chances are that at a certain point in your life you will have to talk to this generation. They are things we knew more or less: millenials do not like to commit, they prefer access to ownership, they like technology because they grew up with it. I will continue with my usual warning: be ware, not all millenials all born equal and with the same preferences, use the data in order to profile them.

Following the scandal at Volkswagen and the problems with Renault, the EU wants to change its policies that regulate the auto sector for better control.  Remaining in the auto industry, Hyundai, the world’s fifth biggest car manufacturer, reported the lowest profit in 5 years.  Read the rest of this entry »

Twisting the news – 36th edition

In cappuccino on January 21, 2016 at 7:50 pm

Some time ago, I was discussing the importance of Facebook investment in Oculus Rift, I was saying, yes, sure, augmented reality is relevant to video games, advertising, retail but also of great importance in virtual dialogue, be that a conference, a grup or just a talk with a friend, and Facebook is the owner of two of the most relevant IM apps on the market: Messenger and Whatsapp and also the biggest social network ever created. However, until Oculus becomes widely available, here’s what Microsoft is doing: Microsoft is investing in a project called RoomAlive which scans each individual sitting in each room and projects the image into the other room, as if they were there speaking face to face. The project sounds a little more complicated and unachievable than what Facebook could do with Oculus. Read the rest of this entry »

Twisting the news – 30th edition

In cappuccino on January 11, 2016 at 9:06 am

Good Monday morning. Yes, Monday again, and you should you need any motivation to start a new week, here it is: Vilakazi Street in Soweto, Johannesburg is the only street in the world which can claim the title of having had 2 Nobel Peace Prize winners as residents; The late ex President Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Soweto used to be a South African township during the Apartheid Era (when non-white population was sent to live outside cities).

Now, let’s talk some business. The Volkswagen Scandal is not fading, nor close to an end: Volkswagen is quoting a German privacy law, refusing to cooperate in the US lawsuit, facing a $20 billion fine for damages.  Read the rest of this entry »

Twisting the news – 24th edition

In cappuccino on December 16, 2015 at 7:47 am

source: gadgetsboutique.com

Missed these folks, Apple and Samsung and their patent trial? Apparently it is far from being over. Samsung is taking the case to the Supreme Court, hoping to overturn the decision taken in 2012. I’m with the democratization of technology on this one which  eventually becomes progress. For example, here are three ways low cost technology is transforming manufacturing. This eventually translates into more people having access to more basic goods.

Here’s solid proof you can start a business from anything: a Canadian company is selling bottled air in China  Read the rest of this entry »

Twisting the news 4th edition

In cappuccino on October 26, 2015 at 7:50 am

Twisting the news reached its fourth edition, or the come-back-from-holiday edition. Today I’m going back to my usual business-marketing-advertising-and-some-stories routine.

20151012065149-grapes-steel-tanksTechnology is now part of our lives and the future belongs to those who embrace it. Even traditional businesses like wine-making can benefit from technology, and it couldn’t have happened anywhere else but in Napa Valley.  One could even say Apple is a Napa Valley company, considering how Steve Jobs came up with the name.  Read the rest of this entry »

Designed in San Francisco, sold in Africa

In Uncategorized on September 2, 2015 at 7:08 am

made-in-sans-franciscoWhile Apple and Samsung have relied on the Chinese growth, some other companies are looking for other markets. I have previously explained that China is a tough market: half government controlled, so called free market where the massive state PR machine can interfere at any moment. It happened to Apple and many other companies. Meanwhile, some other companies are looking towards the African horizon.

Meet Obi. Obi is a company founded by former Apple CEO John Sculley Read the rest of this entry »

The future of ecommerce?

In hot chocolate on March 4, 2015 at 7:03 am

A few years ago the only connection between eCommerce and mobile technology was to consider having your website optimized for smartphones and, later on, tablets. A few years later the talk about mobile technology has gone beyond anything we could have imagined back then, we call them wearables and they are a whole range of their own: digital eye-wear, bands, smart watches and the list will be continued. However, there is one item that has been gaining territory against the others: the smartwatch.

Brikk-Watch-Omni-Angled-Trio-1940x1071Everyone is trying to win the smartwatch market: Samsung has a smartwatch, Huawei leaked photos of its smartwatch, Pebble launched another one and Apple will be launching theirs. By the big players’ actions this is a big market. Read the rest of this entry »